In the Axe Body Spray Commercial, featuring a woman who is dehumanized in her desire to obtain a man through her “sexual prowess”. It builds silly expectations among men and women, for how they should act around each other, going back to the way it harms the viewers. They create the false idea that their product would make you more handsome, attractive, rich, successful with women, and many other qualities. “If you spray yourself with Axe, women will come to you right away” This is the main message that this commercial transmits.
However, the H&M “close the loop” advertisement is the complete opposite in its message, promoting self individualism and… even recycling. H&M features people of different shapes, genders, religions and different backgrounds to prove anyone can be represented in the industry. It proudly acknowledges the diverse groups of the world, shooting videos of different people, in different locations wearing different things, but with one common message from them all, to get the world recycling to make fashion more sustainable.
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