As the overall theme of my film revolves around creating an authentic and effective gangster world, depicting the gritty, back streets life of New York as a Russian immigrant, riddled with poverty, crime and gangs. The setting is rather significant in the crime genre as it helps with engaging the audience, and my choice to use New York is maybe overused but recognizable. New York City can be easily utilized for a crime film, as it has a predominant organized crime presence which is what my main character is in. Iconic structures such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan skyline or more obscure places could be used to establish the authenticity of the film.
The soundtrack in the movie is another tool that can be used to engage audiences. To what Frankie Valli is to Italian mobsters, Viktor Tsoi is the Russian version or more fitting to the gangster atmosphere would be Sergey Shnurov's composition for the film, "Bumer 2." A great example of utilizing songs that became renowned later on would be the cult classic, "Brother 2", with its amazing soundtrack that's still relevant today. Recognizable hit songs have the power to positively change a viewer's perspective on the film. If the audiences are bored, whats the point?
Throughout the different projects, we've done this year, it's evident that social media is a necessary tool to promote any type of media, including movies. Social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can all be utilized to post teasers, such as this opening to engage and broaden my audience/fans. I've discussed distribution in a previous blog post, so I'll just sum it up here. My film is made for niche audiences and for an online audience. Even with film festivals, it's extremely difficult to be picked, especially if you're waiting to be picked out of the crowd by a big festival or a distributor. This is where Youtube is perfect for small filmmakers. On top of it being free and an ability to monetize your work, it can reach a global audience with a possibility of going viral, or at least noticed.
The soundtrack in the movie is another tool that can be used to engage audiences. To what Frankie Valli is to Italian mobsters, Viktor Tsoi is the Russian version or more fitting to the gangster atmosphere would be Sergey Shnurov's composition for the film, "Bumer 2." A great example of utilizing songs that became renowned later on would be the cult classic, "Brother 2", with its amazing soundtrack that's still relevant today. Recognizable hit songs have the power to positively change a viewer's perspective on the film. If the audiences are bored, whats the point?
Throughout the different projects, we've done this year, it's evident that social media is a necessary tool to promote any type of media, including movies. Social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can all be utilized to post teasers, such as this opening to engage and broaden my audience/fans. I've discussed distribution in a previous blog post, so I'll just sum it up here. My film is made for niche audiences and for an online audience. Even with film festivals, it's extremely difficult to be picked, especially if you're waiting to be picked out of the crowd by a big festival or a distributor. This is where Youtube is perfect for small filmmakers. On top of it being free and an ability to monetize your work, it can reach a global audience with a possibility of going viral, or at least noticed.
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