Sunday, March 1, 2020


Short post today!
To make this film opening relatively authentic, I need a few things to establish the fact that my character is a criminal in Russia during the 1990s. However I realized, I don't own a car older than a year old nor do I know anybody with a relatively desirable car that was made before the year 2000. Therefore, I can't base this film in the 90's. So. oops.
Luckily, but unfortunately at the same time. Russia is going through an economic disaster so maybe this will work out? Film is going to be based in New York!

The whole opening is supposed to have a dark theme, it's going to be shot either early morning or at night, either-or, as long as the sun isn't up.
Setting: Narrow Street or Alleyway, with an atmosphere of a grimey, dirty city. (Hallandale, Hollywood Beach, Parking Garage)

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